RIBBON CUTTING … Pictured at the ribbon cutting event welcoming Amazon and their services are: (Front) Bryan Mayor Carrie Schlade, Haley Adomanis, Heather Little, Karen Soyza, Teresa Maynard, Hailey Tressler, Hailey Bostater, Bryan Chamber Director Dan Yahraus. (Back) Rod Saunders, Donna Saunders, Vanessa Garcia, Doug Hanna. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
Biodegradable confetti could be seen all over South Lynn Street on April 4th after a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrated the addition of Amazon to the Bryan Chamber of Commerce.
The ribbon cutting ceremony, which happened at 2 p.m., is the result of Amazon taking the initiative to recruit local businesses to make extra money by performing deliveries.