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Jaclyn Herman

County EMA secures two grants

The Williams County commissioners Tuesday were updated on a couple of grants that have been received by the emergency management agency.

Apryl McClaine, Williams County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) director, said the first grant is one it receives on an annual basis and pays 50% of the cost of the office.

“We received $53,000 for this year,” McClaine said.

She said her office will receive quarterly payments from the grant to help cover expenses.

The other grant is through the Department of Homeland Security and is for $95,000.

“We put in a grant for a hazmat (hazardous materials) meter to equip Bryan hazmat with to bolster our abilities,” McClaine said.

She added this grant also requires the county to make the purchase upfront but is 100% reimbursable. The agency will need to take out bids due to the amount of the purchase.

In other business, the commissioners:

Heard from a resident encouraging a promotional campaign for another try at a tax levy for EMS funding.

Approved two permit applications for Frontier Communications to work in the right of way along 2388 County Road 4-50 to place service drops.

Approved a purchase of easement for the Alvordton sewer project. The agreement is with Neil and Julia Grant, trustees of the Grant Trust for $34,540.

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