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Driver's testing again available locally

Jennifer Stantz

Those in need of a driver’s license are once again be able to test locally, with the Williams County Title Office now offering driver’s testing.

The testing became available again in January, and according to examiner Shelley Lyons, there has been a steady flow of prospective drivers come and take their test.

“We’ve had a lot of positive comments,” Lyons said. “They’re glad it’s back in Williams County.”

County residents who have attempted to get a license in the past few years had to travel an hour or more just to test. Now, it may be the other way around.

“We had somebody come from Columbus and somebody else coming from two hours away, just because they were scheduling a month out. Here, they were like, ‘Oh, we could get in this week,’” she said.

The testing is held at the title office, which is in the same building as the BMV. This has caused some minor confusion among test takers because the permit test is taken at the BMV.

“It’s kind of strange, but I’m part of the title department instead of the BMV,” Lyons said. “It’s under the title department and the clerk of courts.”

Lyons said she is the only examiner currently, but there will be another one by spring.

She said although booking has been steady, the main issue is getting the information out the public.

“It’s just getting the word out there again that we are doing it here,” Lyons said.

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