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Kommon Kravings reopnes after year and a half

Jennifer Stantz

MONTPELIER— It has been a difficult year and a half for Lonnie and Mandi Sisco, owners of Kommon Kravings in Montpelier, but the hard work paid off with a grand reopening Friday.

Originally located at 217 W. Main St., Kommon Kravings was an unfortunate casualty of their former neighbor. The building was structurally connected to 215 W. Main St., which had seriously deteriorated and needed to be demolished.

Kommon Kravings, a gourmet ice cream and specialty coffee shop, moved down the road to 416 W. Main St., but much work was needed to be done before its grand reopening Friday.

It was a stressful time for the Siscos.

“If I had to redo it again, I’m not sure I would,” Mandi said. “Taking an office building and turning it into a commercial kitchen is trying.”

Lonnie agreed. “It was a struggle.”

Mandi said the whole process made them question whether the effort was worth it.

However, they stuck through with all the renovations and more than a dozen different inspections to make sure the building was up to code.

“We just really believe it’s what we’re supposed to do, where we’re supposed to be,” Mandi said.

Lonnie said they wanted to help Montpelier in whatever way they could.

Now that the business is back up and running, she said she was “thrilled.”

Mandi agreed, saying it was “a big breath of relief.”

The reopening included a ribbon cutting at the new facility through the Montpelier Chamber of Commerce, where Kelly Bigger, chamber executive director, said the Christian-owned and operated business started in 2018.

“After being closed for a year and half, they’re excited and I know the whole community is really excited to be open,” she said. “They’re located directly next to Founders Park, which I know the park department is ecstatic over... I think it’s going to be really nice.”

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